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Ahsan Abbas
22yr, Male 25,000/Month
Qualif Master degree in biology
Exp 3yrs
Classes Matric
Subjects English, science, pak studies, history, biology, chemistry
Usama Zafar
24yr, Male 20,000/Month
Qualif Bachelor
Exp 3yrs
Classes Matric, fsc eng, fsc med, o level, a level
Subjects Math, science, physics, chemistry, math, science, physics, physics, math, physics, math, physics
22yr, Female 5,000/Month
Qualif BS(hons) Zoology
Exp 3yrs
Classes Matric
Subjects Science, biology, chemistry
Dr. Nezrah Ahma...
26yr, Female 7,500/Month
Qualif Bachelor in Dental Surgery
Exp 3yrs
Classes Primary, secondary, matric, fsc med, fa, ics, i com
Subjects English, math, science, islamiyat, history, biology, english, science, history, biology, english, science, pak studies, history, biology, english, urdu, science, pak studies, biology, english, science, pak studies, english, pak studies, english, science, pak studies
27yr, Male 14,000/Month
Qualif M.Sc. Math
Exp 3yrs
Classes Matric, fsc eng, a level
Subjects Math, math, physics, math, math
Tuba maqsood
23yr, Female 12,000/Month
Qualif Bachelors
Exp 3yrs
Classes Primary, secondary, matric, fsc med
Subjects All, english, urdu, science, islamiyat, pak studies, history, biology, biology
Sumama Khan
23yr, Male 40/Month
Qualif Bachelor of Legal Studies
Exp 3yrs
Classes Matric
Subjects English, math, science, physics, chemistry, sociology
Muhammad Shaher...
26yr, Male 40,000/Month
Qualif M. B. B. S
Exp 3yrs
Classes Fsc med, matric, o level
Subjects English, urdu, pak studies, biology, english, urdu, islamiyat, pak studies, biology, english, urdu, islamiyat, pak studies, biology
Nargis perveen
28yr, Female 1,500/Month
Qualif Bachelor in commerce
Exp 3yrs
Classes Secondary
Subjects Urdu, math, pak studies
Fatima Tahir
19yr, Female 45,000/Month
Qualif Completed O-level with 7A*s and 2As, A-Level with AAB, and currently completing Undergraduate Degree at Habib University
Exp 3yrs
Classes O level, secondary, a level
Subjects Math, islamiyat, pak studies, biology, physics, chemistry, math, science, islamiyat, psychology, psychology
Leema Ram
19yr, Male 15,000/Month
Qualif Bachelor
Exp 3yrs
Classes Ics, primary, secondary, matric
Subjects Math, computer, stat, all, english, math, science, computer, math, chemistry, computer
Alveena Muti
25yr, Female 15,000/Month
Qualif MS Biomedical Science
Exp 3yrs
Classes A level
Subjects English, urdu, science, biology, chemistry
nawaz ahma
39yr, Male 17,000/Month
Qualif Mcs & Mphil
Exp 9yrs
Classes Ics, fsc eng, matric, o level
Subjects All, all, all, english, urdu, math, physics, chemistry
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samra Ali
33yr, Female 12,000/Month
Qualif MSC
Exp 9yrs
Classes Primary, secondary, matric, ics, o level, a level
Subjects All, all, all, all, math, biology, physics, chemistry, commerce, math, physics, chemistry
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mahwish azeem
34yr, Male 12,000/Month
Qualif bed ACCA
Exp 10yrs
Classes Primary, secondary, matric, i com, o level
Subjects All, all, english, urdu, math, physics, chemistry, all, stat, economics, business study, commerce
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